Pages Help

Websites for you and your projects.

Hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.

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Ready to get started? Build your own site from scratch or generate one for your project.

You get one site per GitHub account and organization, and unlimited project sites. Let‘s get started.


Create a repository

Head over to GitHub and create a new public repository named, where username is your username (or organization name) on GitHub.

If the app doesn't open, launch it and clone the repository from the app.

github image


What git client are you using?

If you are using terminal, skip this question and go straight to step 2.


Clone the repository

Go to the folder where you want to store your project, and clone the new repository:

~$git clone


Hello World

Enter the project folder and add an index.html file:


~$echo "Hello World" > index.html


Push it

Add, commit, and push your changes:

~$git add --all

~$git commit -m "Initial commit"

~$git push -u origin main


…and you're done!

Fire up a browser and go to

done gif

Now that you’re up and running, here are a few things you should know.

Blogging with Jekyll

Using Jekyll, you can blog using beautiful Markdown syntax, and without having to deal with any databases. Learn how to set up Jekyll.

Custom URLs

Want to use your own custom domain for a GitHub Pages site? Just create a file named CNAME and include your URL. Read more.


Learn how to create custom 404 pages, use submodules, and learn more about GitHub Pages.